A winning team: AFP and Speaker Johnson stand for American prosperity

After four years of a sluggish economy and historic inflation, Americans are looking for Washington to pass sound policies that will turn the economy into the right direction.

Now more than ever, we need Congress to pass policies that help everyday Americans.

The good news? Speaker Mike Johnson and Americans for Prosperity are leading the charge.

That’s why Speaker Johnson visited AFP’s Freedom Embassy, joining Guy Benson to speak with hundreds of grassroots activists — streamed across 70+ watch parties nationwide — about how the 119th Congress will work to reignite the American economy and protect your prosperity.

Speaker Johnson’s priority? Rally Congress to extend the 2017 Trump tax cuts and help millions recover from the disastrous economy of the Biden years and build their American Dream.

With a thin House majority, every vote counts. AFP and its nationwide grassroots army are ready to support a freedom-oriented agenda of fiscal responsibility and pro-growth tax reform.


For Speaker Johnson, the 119th Congress’ mission is crystal clear: deliver the results people voted for.

“We have to get the economy under control, reduce inflation, we’ve got to get American energy dominance back … and reduce the regulatory state,” Speaker Johnson said.

Extending the 2017 Trump Tax Cuts is key to getting that done.

These tax cuts kept billions of dollars in the pockets of hardworking Americans, helped thousands of small businesses thrive, and allowed millions to weather the high inflation of the Biden years.

However, those cuts are set to expire at the end of the year. If Congress doesn’t extend them, the average family of four will pay $1,500 more in taxes every year.

And a drastic tax hike would destroy the bottom line of thousands of mom-and-pop shops across the country as they struggle to recover from the disastrous economy of the last four years.

Extending the Trump tax cuts will save you and your family hard-earned money and reignite the powerful American economy.


For Speaker Johnson, the keys to a booming economy are clear: less government and more economic freedom.

“If you reduce taxes and regulation … you unleash the power of the U.S. economy,” Speaker Johnson told Guy.

Recent history proves him right.

After Trump signed the tax cuts into law in 2017, Americans enjoyed one of the most prosperous economies in the history of the world.

Americans across all income levels and demographics benefitted greatly as small businesses reinvested in the economy and created millions of good-paying jobs.

If we want to make it happen again, Congress needs to extend the Trump tax cuts.


Getting this bill through Congress won’t be easy. With only a one-seat House majority for the foreseeable future, Speaker Johnson will need all the help he can get to extend these tax cuts.

That’s where AFP comes in.

Over the past two years, AFP and AFP Action’s grassroots activists walked over 1 million miles, knocking on doors and talking with over 30 million Americans to turn principled solutions into action.

As the speaker said at AFP’s offices: “This organization does it better than anybody.”

And he’s right.

With a nationwide grassroots army, cutting-edge data capabilities, and decades of experience advancing pro-freedom policies, AFP is uniquely positioned to lead the fight to extend the Trump tax cuts.

Right now, our activists are hitting the road nationwide, urging key lawmakers in both houses to act. The message is clear: Protect prosperity — extend the Trump tax cuts.

As Speaker Johnson said, “We’re counting on you.” We need every supporter to join this fight and help push Congress to do the right thing. Be part of the nationwide movement to protect prosperity — take action today.