AFP is protecting Michigan from a massive tax hike

Alert to all Michigan families and businesses: Your money is at risk!

Families across Michigan could soon be slammed with higher taxes if Congress doesn’t extend the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. This law gave tax relief, boosted small businesses, and drove economic growth — but if it expires, the fallout will be brutal.


If Congress fails to act, Michigan families could pay over $2,000 more per year in taxes.

And it gets worse — small businesses will lose key tax benefits, making it harder to expand, invest, or even stay afloat.

The result? Job losses. Economic slowdown. Struggling communities.

Michigan could see more than 22,000 jobs disappear as businesses slash costs to survive. Manufacturing — the state’s economic lifeline — will take a direct hit:

  • As people have less money to spend, the economy will slow ¬— hurting manufacturing industries.
  • As taxes rise and spending nosedives, industries will cut back on their operations, leaving Michigan with fewer jobs and opportunities.
  • Many small businesses won’t survive the double punch of higher taxes on incomes and businesses.

Allowing the Trump tax cuts to expire will raise the taxes of everyday Americans and leave thousands without a job while lining the pockets of the broken system that brought Americans into massive debt in the first place.

This massive tax hike, however, is avoidable.

Congress — including Michigan Sen. Gary Peters — has the power to stop it.


Sen. Peters might be retiring from politics. But until January 2027, he has a duty to serve the people of Michigan.

Sen. Peters has a choice: fight for working families and small businesses or let tax hikes cripple his state.

With reelection off the table, Sen. Peters has a golden opportunity to put the welfare of Michigan families above petty partisan interests.

That’s why Americans for Prosperity launched the “Protect Prosperity” campaign, a nationwide grassroots campaign to defend the Trump tax cuts and hold lawmakers like Sen. Peters accountable until their last day in office.

You can click on the image below to watch AFP’s new Protect Prosperity digital ad.

AFP ensures voters know where their lawmakers stand. We’re mobilizing across the state, knocking on doors, hosting events, and turning up the pressure in Washington.


Michigan isn’t the only state that will get hit hard if Washington votes against renewing the Trump tax cuts.

It’s estimated that the average American family will pay $1,500 more in taxes yearly, just as America is recovering from the high inflation of the Biden years.

In Georgia, for example, the average family of four would pay $2,580 more in taxes every year, and the state would lose more than 25,000 jobs if Congress doesn’t renew the Trump tax cuts.

And we’re making sure that Georgia voters, who elected Sen. Jon Ossoff narrowly, know that very well.

Senators aren’t the only ones we’re holding accountable.

We’re keeping a close eye on Rep. Marcy Kaptur in Ohio, where eliminating the tax cuts would force the average Buckeye family to pay $2,000 more a year in taxes and threaten 26,000 jobs in the Buckeye state.

This vote will define Rep. Kaptur’s record, and her constituents need to know if she votes to stop a massive tax hike or not.

If you want to learn how eliminating the tax cuts would impact your state, click on the image below.


With a nationwide grassroots army that’s battle-tested and equipped with state-of-the-art data capabilities, AFP is leading the charge to protect prosperity and extend the Trump tax cuts.

How are we doing that?

By taking action and mobilizing the nation’s largest grassroots army to talk to thousands of voters in key states and tell them what’s at stake:

  • By amplifying the voices of everyday Americans and ensuring that hardworking Americans who get hit hardest by this tax hike are heard on Capitol Hill.
  • By driving the national conversation and ensuring that most Americans know how they’ll be affected if Congress lets their tax cuts expire.

Eight years ago, AFP used this strategy to help pass the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Today, we’re in an even stronger position to protect your hard-earned money from Washington’s prying hands.

But we need your help.

Join the fight. Sign the petition. Tell Congress: Protect prosperity, say no to tax hikes!